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Austrian 15th-century sallet




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(2 reviews)

Austrian 15th-century sallet

Default options
  • Fastenings leather straps with steel buckles
  • Color of steel buckles Nickel-plated buckles
  • Color of leather fastening brown
  • Delivery time Standard (delivery time 14-28 days)
  • Metal for helmet dome cold-rolled steel 1.5 mm (14 ga)
  • Rivets 8 mm steel nails
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Custom made

This item is a custom-made, which means that our crafters use individual body measurements of a client for manufacture. Such type of manufacturing provides with a perfect fit of an item.

Color of steel buckles
Color of leather fastening
Manufacturing time
Delivery time
Sewn padded cap
Finish treatment
Metal for helmet dome


Just look at the cool new sallet we've made for you!

This is a copy of a sallet made by the Austrian master-gunsmith Caspar Rieder. The original dates back to 1480 and you can see it in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Earlier it was in the ancestral armory of the Counts Trapp at Churburg Castle, South Tyrol.


The only difference is that Caspar Rieder forged his sallet from a single piece of metal while we welded two parts of the dome together. Both helmets have a medial ridge that smoothly transitions into a low slightly flattened keel-shaped comb over the rounded bowl. Also, it has a stepped side and an outwardly turned lower edge that gradually rises to a point at the front and rear of the helmet. Helmet's crown is encircled by a row of plain iron rivets. And yes – our rivets have just the same slightly domed heads as the original one. Rivets secure a leather strap on the inside where a textile lining is stitched in place. 

The special chic of this helmet is that it is free of ornament and its exceptional simplicity of form turns into sophistication. This is typical for many works made in Innsbruck and Mühlau during the same period.

Main photo shows medieval Sallet with following options:

  • Cold-rolled steel 2.5 mm;
  • Satin polishing as finish treatment;
  • Steel rivets;
  • No decoration; 

Base price includes following options:

  • Cold-rolled steel 1.5 mm;
  • Satin polishing as finish treatment;
  • Steel rivets;
  • No decoration; 

If you don’t like the received product for any reason, you may send it back to us within 14 days. If the received item has defects or does not fit your parameters, we will make a new item and send it to you at our costs. If postal service lost your parcel, we make a search of it. If parcel could not be found, we make new item at our expenses.


We ship orders via National Postal Service, who carries order to your local post office. Upon shipping, we provide you with tracking number of parcel. If you need express delivery (DHL, TNT, etc.), please contact us.


Every product is handcrafted and requires time for manufacture. Approximate time:

  • Gambeson and padded armor – 8-9 weeks;
  • Costumes and other clothing – 4-6 weeks;
  • Brigandines – 3-4 months;
  • Leather accessories 2-4 weeks;
  • Metal armor – 2-5 months.

Please contact us if you would like to know more precise terms.

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