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Cloaks and capes

About Cloaks and capes

Cloaks and capes

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Woolen cloak with hood
Woolen cloak with hood

The Robe looks absolutely nice and fits perfectly. The Quality is flawless and its a nice cloth. The Support is also very Kind. :D

Cloak with hood, a part of fantasy-style Hobbit costume
Cloak with hood, a part of fantasy-style Hobbit costume

Amazing cape! Loved it!!

Medieval cloak with hood
Curtis Bender
Medieval cloak with hood

A very well constructed cloak! Excellent material and fits perfectly! Made quickly and the shipping was much faster than expected! Always a pleasure ordering from this site!

Cloak with hood, a part of fantasy-style Hobbit costume
hunter bellamy
Cloak with hood, a part of fantasy-style Hobbit costume

Looks great. Fine shade of green. Has been added to my everyday wear.