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Something for a head! But not helmets:)

Something for a head! But not helmets:) 2018-05-18

Hi, friends!

We've already told you about costumes of the XV century Burgundia, but did not pay a lot of attention to hed-dresses. But it s worth to remember, that headwears are significant part of any medieval costume!

Well, today is time to talk about hennins, atours, beguins... What do these words means? You ll know it in new article "Men's and women's headwears in Burgundia, XV century".

Something for a head! But not helmets:)



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Kelly 2019-06-18 16:31:15

I would like to thank all the team of Steel mastery for this armor! As I'm quite tiny girl I had doubts that brigandine will fit me good and be comfortable and not too heavy (however it's a bit heavy, lol)) But workmanship is remarkable, size is very good and there is really great customer support:)


Charles 2019-04-10 12:06:30

Brigandine looks good, fits good and protects good. Excellent quality of materials (i have it with leather cover and cotton lining, with stainless steel plates 1.5); also i like the option of changable spaulders. Highly recommend fo SCA fighters.

Johan Thedwall

Johan Thedwall 2018-07-09 20:05:52

Got my brigandine and its fits perfect, just like a glove. Will order more from Steel masters in the future.