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Scandinavian quilted shirt




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Scandinavian quilted shirt

Color of the product:
royal blue
Men's size for clothes/padded armor :
S - waist 77-84 cm
Default options
  • Fabric cotton
  • Padding type  (20%wool and 80%cotton shred)
  • Contrast quilting and edge absent
  • Color of contrast quilting and edge absent
  • Product user  male
  • Women's size for clothes/padded armor  skip
  • Personal emblem absent
  • Standard length  95 cm
  • Manufacturing time standard manufacturing time 4 months
  • Delivery time Standard (delivery time 14-28 days)
  • Additional back protection absent
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Custom made

This item is a custom-made, which means that our crafters use individual body measurements of a client for manufacture. Such type of manufacturing provides with a perfect fit of an item.

Color of the product
Padding type
Second color
Contrast quilting and edge
Color of contrast quilting and edge
Men's size for clothes/padded armor
Product user
Women's size for clothes/padded armor
Personal emblem
Standard length
Manufacturing time
Delivery time
Additional back protection


If you want to reconstruct Scandinavia or Russia of the 10th-12th centuries or the early Middle Ages in Europe in general. If you were born too late and your soul demands raids and looting... If Odin calls you to die in battle and ascend to him in Valhalla... But that's where we got carried away.

Let's put it this way, if you want to look authentic and wear your chainmail just over a couple of shirts (Well, no classic comfortable gambeson for the Vikings have been found. In any case, this is how most of the luminaries of reconstruction, which are engaged in this period.), but at the same time and your health is a little expensive, and arriving from fellow Vikings would like to soften the blows... 

Especially for you, our craftsmen sewed this amazing piece - it looks like an authentic Scandinavian shirt. It is tailored according to 10th century finds from Birka and Hedeby. And the very existence of quilted shirts is confirmed by an 11th century find from Viborg, Denmark. 

Even the trim is traditional Scandinavian. Well just an awesome shirt, you'll agree.

For those who want we can decorate the shirt with braid and applique for a fee.

Base price inludes: 

- cotton fabric 


If you don’t like the received product for any reason, you may send it back to us within 14 days. If the received item has defects or does not fit your parameters, we will make a new item and send it to you at our costs. If postal service lost your parcel, we make a search of it. If parcel could not be found, we make new item at our expenses.


We ship orders via National Postal Service, who carries order to your local post office. Upon shipping, we provide you with tracking number of parcel. If you need express delivery (DHL, TNT, etc.), please contact us.


Every product is handcrafted and requires time for manufacture. Approximate time:

  • Gambeson and padded armor – 8-9 weeks;
  • Costumes and other clothing – 4-6 weeks;
  • Brigandines – 3-4 months;
  • Leather accessories 2-4 weeks;
  • Metal armor – 2-5 months.

Please contact us if you would like to know more precise terms.

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