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  • Fabric ʼ cotton
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A sorceress from faraway countries, an elf princess, Kings Arthur court noblewoman? This medieval dress could belong to any of those ladies. Moreover, it could be yours. Amazing patterned cotton middle ages dress, beautiful, completely natural, elegant and chic. Fancy dress medieval, which is an adornment in itself. So delicate that excess jewelry will only spoil it. A choice of lady with exquisite taste.
Like its medieval ancestors, it is made of best natural fabrics – patterned cotton and soft cotton sleeves lining. By your choice, your renaissance queen dress we can sew in two ways: machine manufacturing or hand sewing. Our tailors will make it by your parameters, using sewing machine or completely sew you custom dress by hands for additional costs.

You will be gorgeous in this dress at not only medieval festivals, stage performances, reenactment events and LARP games. You will become an adornment of SCA and HEMA events inspiring fighters to victory in battles with your feminine look in this beautiful dress.

Base price includes following options:

  • Patterned cotton fabric at dress (100% natural cotton)
  • Delicate cotton fabric at sleeves lining (100% natural cotton)
  • Silk lacing tape

However, we understand that fashion lady will newer dress the same costume as other lady wear. That is why as an additional option we can offer you linen, wool, silk, velvet and samite in all the colors we have. When you will make a decision, please inform us by e-mail, what fabrics and colors of medieval lady costume you prefer. There is only sleeves lining by default. If you want to add it to other dress, please contact us [email protected].

Benefits, which you will get, if you buy your medieval dress at Steel Mastery:

  • Custom-made high-quality glam dress worthy of a queen made of natural fabrics by your individual parameters;
  • Reliability and comfortable wearing for years;
  • Product made by experienced tailors, who really know how to make a beautiful medieval times clothing;
  • Convenient payment systems (PayPal, Skrill, Visa, MasterCard, American Express);
  • Flexible return system in case if you don’t like an item.

Check out other cool medieval gowns models, we represent Italian Renaissance dress, German dress, Burgundian gown.
We offer to complete your look with underwear, headwear and accessories.
In section Women’s dresses, you can see all models that we offer for ordering. If you did not find any for your taste and wish, just send us photo and description of the dream dress and we will make it for you.


If you don’t like the received product for any reason, you may send it back to us within 14 days. If the received item has defects or does not fit your parameters, we will make a new item and send it to you at our costs. If postal service lost your parcel, we make a search of it. If parcel could not be found, we make new item at our expenses.


We ship orders via National Postal Service, who carries order to your local post office. Upon shipping, we provide you with tracking number of parcel. If you need express delivery (DHL, TNT, etc.), please contact us.


Every product is handcrafted and requires time for manufacture. Approximate time:

  • Gambeson and padded armor – 8-9 weeks;
  • Costumes and other clothing – 4-6 weeks;
  • Brigandines – 3-4 months;
  • Leather accessories 2-4 weeks;
  • Metal armor – 2-5 months.

Please contact us if you would like to know more precise terms.

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