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Tight chausses with codpiece, XV century




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(3 reviews)

Tight chausses with codpiece, XV century

Color of the product:
Default options
  • Fabric cotton
  • Fabric for lining absent
  • Second color absent
  • Fastenings hand-sewn loops with braided ropes
  • Delivery time Standard (delivery time 14-28 days)
  • Manufacturing time standard manufacturing time 2-3 months
  • Belt for chausses absent
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Custom made

This item is a custom-made, which means that our crafters use individual body measurements of a client for manufacture. Such type of manufacturing provides with a perfect fit of an item.

Color of the product
Two-color design
Fabric for lining
Second color
Men's size for clothes/padded armor
Delivery time
Manufacturing time
Belt for chausses


Tight chausses with codpiece, XV century is a real gift for those who love comfortable pants, but want to adhere to the strict canons of reconstruction.

Perfect for reenactments, historical events, theater productions, and costume parties, these chausses are a versatile addition to any historical enthusiast's wardrobe. Pair them with a tunic, doublet, or other period-appropriate clothing to complete your authentic XV century look.

Yes, these are no longer two separate stockings laced to the belt, but full pants with a closed back and sewn, folded down codpiece, which fastens with 3 laces. The casting lace tips on these are especially nice, treat yourself to a little something like this. By the way, note that the codpiece, which served as a modern fly, is still quite modest, without the embellishments and decorative padding that became popular later, at the court of Henry the VIII. 

You can read more about Burgundian fashion in the article dedicated to it on our website - Burgundian fashion of the XV century.

Base price of shausses includes following options: 

  • Color – black
  • Fabric – cotton

They can be attached with lacing to the bottom edge of burgundian doublet, porpoint, holes in brais, or simply binding laces.


If you don’t like the received product for any reason, you may send it back to us within 14 days. If the received item has defects or does not fit your parameters, we will make a new item and send it to you at our costs. If postal service lost your parcel, we make a search of it. If parcel could not be found, we make new item at our expenses.


We ship orders via National Postal Service, who carries order to your local post office. Upon shipping, we provide you with tracking number of parcel. If you need express delivery (DHL, TNT, etc.), please contact us.


Every product is handcrafted and requires time for manufacture. Approximate time:

  • Gambeson and padded armor – 8-9 weeks;
  • Costumes and other clothing – 4-6 weeks;
  • Brigandines – 3-4 months;
  • Leather accessories 2-4 weeks;
  • Metal armor – 2-5 months.

Please contact us if you would like to know more precise terms.

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John Lucas
Perfect fit. The workmanship is top-rate, and they fit exactly as they should. The eyelets are wonderful, and need to be seen to be believed. Super-fast turnaround time too! They took less time to make than they spent in Customs. Strong, and durable, they will be excellent under armor.
hunter bellamy
Difficult to tie, but looks fabulous. The ties all look and work wonderfully, and the fit is nice.
jose santiago
good quality good fit, but its the little details, such as the endings for the ties that surprised.
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