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How to wear medieval gloves

Guys, look our review of incredibly cool gloves! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvLdilnoVOo
This practical model was widespread among knight in the Middle Ages. 

Hoplite soldier’s armor and weapon

So, let's talk about hoplites, hoplon, doru, muscle armors, linothorax, greek helmets, and greaves!

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European brigandine of the 14-15th century
Jean-Marc Grangé
European brigandine of the 14-15th century

I bought a brigandine from Steel Mastery frankly, I have never seen anywhere a quality of service of this performance it is extraordinary you are accompanied from A to Z and as long as it is not perfect they do not let you go everything must be adjusted to the millimeter it is really impressive very professional and the product is absolutely compliant magnificent work of manufacture superb quality and quality of manufacture at the top level everything is perfectly compliant and rigorous this quality of service is truly exceptional

HEMA gambeson with lapped sleeves
HEMA gambeson with lapped sleeves

All told I'm very happy with this jacket, it fits me really well. The mobility is excellent, there is only ever some tightness across my chest if I pull my arms and shoulders as far back as I can. The sleeves are easy to remove and replace, and I'm sure for light sparring in hot weather I will be rid of them often. So far I've sparred saber and rapier with it, and it is well suited for both. Within a few minutes I forget that I'm wearing a jacket at all. The only thing not ideal with the jacket is there was no option to select left or right handed, and I didn't notice before it arrived that it, and all the pictures are for a left handed design. However they are very accommodating, and I'm sure if mentioned your preference in the ordering process they would be happy to make it to your liking.

Ming imperial guard brigandine armor or khatangu degel
Ming imperial guard brigandine armor or khatangu degel

Very happy with my purchase. The brigandine looks and feels great, and customer support was excellent every step of the way

HEMA style gambeson with diamond stitching
 Alex L.
HEMA style gambeson with diamond stitching

Superb Quality & well worth my 1st purchase with this product. The Gambeson I bought is top-quality, aesthetically pleasing, as well as being well crafted. Amazing customer support, as they keep you up-to-date with progression of manufacturing on your item.