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Closed face (armet) helmets Photogallery

Armet, part of full plate armor (garniture) of George Clifford, end of the XVI century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet closed helmet 16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com ARMET WITH RONDEL, ITALY, MIDDLE XV CENTURY photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet (closed helmet) 15th-16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet closed helmet 16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet from St Peter's Church photo made by Steel-mastery.com European medieval closed helmet (armet) - 16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com OPEN-FACED LANDSKNEHT BURGONET HELMET photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet (closed helmet) 15th-16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet, part of full plate armor (garniture) of George Clifford, end of the XVI century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet closed helmet 16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet (closed helmet) 15th-16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com OPEN-FACED LANDSKNEHT BURGONET HELMET photo made by Steel-mastery.com European medieval closed helmet (armet) - 16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet closed helmet 16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet from St Peter's Church photo made by Steel-mastery.com OPEN-FACED LANDSKNEHT BURGONET HELMET photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet closed helmet 16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com OPEN-FACED LANDSKNEHT BURGONET HELMET photo made by Steel-mastery.com Medieval closed helmet (armet) - 16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet closed helmet 16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com LANDSKNEHT BURGONET HELMET photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet, part of full plate armor (garniture) of George Clifford, end of the XVI century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Armet (closed helmet) 15th-16th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com