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Shoes Giveaway

Shoes Giveaway 2020-06-12

4 new fabulous colors - 4 winners!

Colors - royal blue, ruby, burgundy, and yellow.

Everything is pretty simple! Tag 2 friends here https://www.facebook.com/Steel.Mastery/ and choose a desirable color.
For example, “yellow, @friend1, @friend2”.
There’s no limit for tags for a person! So feel free to leave more than one comment and mention as many friends as you wish! It will increase your chance of winning!

That’s all you need to do for a chance to win a pair of shoes in our new colours!
Every color will find its winner: 4 colors - 4 winners.

First place winner gets a 100% discount - yes, we’re giving away a pair of shoes for free! The next three winners get a 50% discount.

We’ll randomly choose our winners and announce their names on 26.06.2020.

Shoes Giveaway



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