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New tunics and shirts in section Ready-to-ship

New tunics and shirts in section Ready-to-ship 2018-11-02
New tunics and shirts in section Ready-to-ship



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Ryuu 2020-11-24 09:13:50

It's not great. I have a unique privilege to have an armorer close enough to correct the mistakes made with this helmet. Writing this today because the review button was not here when I got it. No steel under the shikoro, flat bar grill makes it illegal to use and the nose makes it a torque threat to your neck. A tip to the armorers. Get in a helmet and fight for a bit. Then put one of these on and see what I'm talking about. Research and study how a kabuto were made and why. Hell look at other kabuto made for heavy fighting. Properly padded a helmet can be an inch from your face and never touch you. This was 6-7” away and 8 hat sizes too big when I sent it back to get fixed. It came back 4 hat sizes too big and I could fit an ax head under it. If you are not skilled in metal work, don't know how to weld, do not have an armorer or want your helmet functional when it arrives, this is not a helmet for you.