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Women's headwear Photogallery

Tyrolean hat photo made by Steel-mastery.com Landsknecht flower hat with hand-woven cord  photo made by Steel-mastery.com Landsknecht hat with cuts on brim photo made by Steel-mastery.com Tyrolean hat photo made by Steel-mastery.com Torse - medieval heraldy headband photo made by Steel-mastery.com Felt Tyrolean hat photo made by Steel-mastery.com Hair covering with fabric snood photo made by Steel-mastery.com Torse - medieval heraldy headband photo made by Steel-mastery.com Woman cap with veil photo made by Steel-mastery.com Wide-brimmed felt hat photo made by Steel-mastery.com The beret type headwear photo made by Steel-mastery.com Cruseler, XIV-XV century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Medieval hood with tail (Liripipe) photo made by Steel-mastery.com Hennin, XV century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Felt Tyrolean hat photo made by Steel-mastery.com Hennin, XV century photo made by Steel-mastery.com The woman headwear 5 photo made by Steel-mastery.com The woman headwear photo made by Steel-mastery.com The velvet beret with gold snood photo made by Steel-mastery.com The velvet beret with black snood photo made by Steel-mastery.com Torse - medieval heraldy headband photo made by Steel-mastery.com Hair covering with fabric snood photo made by Steel-mastery.com The taffeta beret with the snood photo made by Steel-mastery.com Medieval hood with tail (Liripipe) photo made by Steel-mastery.com