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Landsknecht hat with cuts




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(1 reviews)

Landsknecht hat with cuts

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Landsknecht hat with cuts

No doubts that landsknechts were wearing the most bright and varicoloured clothing in the Middle Ages. Mot a single fashionista had so party-colored and picturesque dresses, as common German and Swiss hired soldiers did. Legend has it that after landsknechts have destroyed army of the Duke of Burgundy in the 1477 year, their clothing looked like a rags, as it was torn and slashed in the battle. Well, to avoid flashing of naked bodies and underwear, soldiers began to repair clothes right on the spot with help of the locally improvised material – Burgundian standards. When they saw a result, they decided that it looks even better than before a battle. Since then landsknecht costume came into fashion, which spread throughout and borrowed by others.

Though, boring historians insists that German landsknecht simply borrowed this fashion from nobility of the Northern Italy.

In spite of the laws of the 1530 century regimented clothing style for every social category, from peasants to peerage, it did not gloss over landsknecht clothing. His Imperial Majesty Maximillian personally allowed soldiers of fortune to wear whatever they want.  

Top-quality milled wool was and remained the most ideal fabric for landsknecht dress, cut in artful patches. We chose exactly such material for this awesome landsknecht hat – wide-brimmed plain one, through cuts of which you may see contrast-colored lining fabric.

Of course, we were sewing it not blindly, but in strict adherence to gravures, which were left to us by contemporaries of splendid hired feet.


Christoph Amberger, 1525-1530 years


Jörg Breu, 1525-1547 years


So, be inspired and admired, choose colors and order your own landsknecht hat, and we will sew it for you. Please send the wished colors to [email protected].

hat will be made out of wool and linen. 


If you don’t like the received product for any reason, you may send it back to us within 14 days. If the received item has defects or does not fit your parameters, we will make a new item and send it to you at our costs. If postal service lost your parcel, we make a search of it. If parcel could not be found, we make new item at our expenses.


We ship orders via National Postal Service, who carries order to your local post office. Upon shipping, we provide you with tracking number of parcel. If you need express delivery (DHL, TNT, etc.), please contact us.


Every product is handcrafted and requires time for manufacture. Approximate time:

  • Gambeson and padded armor – 8-9 weeks;
  • Costumes and other clothing – 4-6 weeks;
  • Brigandines – 3-4 months;
  • Leather accessories 2-4 weeks;
  • Metal armor – 2-5 months.

Please contact us if you would like to know more precise terms.

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Jens Lenders
Although I had to wait a while because of the hard work and the delivery 2000 km away, I was pleasantly surprised by the great quality of the hat. I would definitely recoomend this hat. I was able to choose my own colours and it looks perfect!
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