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How to wear medieval gloves

Guys !
Look our review of incredibly cool gloves !
They are very comfortable and they do not hamper your hand movements . 
You can see in by yourself
Here's a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvLdilnoVOo ! 

Hoplite soldier’s armor and weapon

So, let's talk about hoplites, hoplon, doru, muscle armors, linothorax, greek helmets, and greaves.

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How to wear medieval gloves
How to wear medieval gloves

Guys !
Look our review of incredibly cool gloves !
They are very comfortable and they do not hamper your hand movements . 
You can see in by yourself
Here's a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvLdilnoVOo ! 

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Recensione riguardo articoli

Medieval short Gambeson
Jakob Heinesen
Medieval short Gambeson

I love the gambeson. It is great to wear, easy to put on and take off and comes with extra parts for replacing broken straps. Delivery was fast (2 weeks-ish) considering the situation in Ukraine.

Medieval short Gambeson
Sirawit L.
Medieval short Gambeson

The gambeson I received is of great quality and it feels great to wear. Took some time to deliver but it's understandable given the situation in Ukraine right now. I would recommend this item.

Long padded chausses
William Glitsch
Long padded chausses

I have to again say EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP.. They fit very well and the belt is incredible. As usual Steel Mastery is the best at quality, in material and workmanship. Highly recommended.

European gambeson front closed
William Glitsch
European gambeson front closed

Excellent fit. Excellent workmanship. I absolutely love it. Material is also excellent. I highly recommend this gambeson. The eagle on the chest is perfect and looks really really good.