
European gambesons Galleria fotografica

MEDIEVAL STYLE JACKET photo made by Steel-mastery.com Gambeson of Edward of Woodstock (the Black Prince), XIV century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Arming doublet / aketon - 1360 year photo made by Steel-mastery.com Sleeveless gambeson with festoons, XII-XIII centuries photo made by Steel-mastery.com North European laced-up doublet photo made by Steel-mastery.com Leather sleeveless gambeson photo made by Steel-mastery.com Renaissance period gambeson XVI-XVII century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Ordinary Gambeson photo made by Steel-mastery.com Medieval aketon of leather, XV century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Medieval leather gambeson photo made by Steel-mastery.com Ordinary Gambeson photo made by Steel-mastery.com Sleeveless gambeson with festoons, XII-XIII centuries photo made by Steel-mastery.com Early medieval gambeson VI-XIII centuries photo made by Steel-mastery.com North European laced-up doublet photo made by Steel-mastery.com Puffed sleeves doublet photo made by Steel-mastery.com Aketon, second half of the 14th - first half of the 15th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Arming doublet / aketon - 1360 year photo made by Steel-mastery.com The Hedeby Klappenrock Jacket photo made by Steel-mastery.com The Hedeby Klappenrock Jacket photo made by Steel-mastery.com Aketon of the XIV century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Puffed sleeves doublet photo made by Steel-mastery.com Gambeson of Edward of Woodstock (the Black Prince), XIV century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Velvet gambeson, quarter colored photo made by Steel-mastery.com MEDIEVAL STYLE JACKET photo made by Steel-mastery.com