So, now you have a wonderful Renaissance dress by Steel Mastery… Or, is it a Viking costume? Doesn’t matter, as all types of this clothing requires proper handling. There are few simple rules which we recommend to follow, so your medieval clothing would look as new!
If you are lucky owner of padded gambeson by Steel Mastery, then these rules of padded armor’s handling will be useful for you.

Brigandine armor by Steel Mastery is qualitative and beautiful body protection. However, it will serve you faithfully and loyally for long time only if you will handle it carefully. And, the next tips will help you to do that right.

In this article we would like to respresent step-by-step guide about how to assemble medieval full-plate armor, so it would look perfectly and delight your eyes!
Below, you will see an example of assembling of steel etched garniture of George Clifford, XVI century.

May Raven’s flag flies! Thor and our axes are with us! Valhalla chambers are waiting for us! To the glory of Odin! And, other details of “Vikings” series.
In this article, we will tell you about how Vikings of the IX century looked like and how glamorous Vikings were pictured in popular series.
Work of Umbar merchant is hard and risky work, especially when one works all day long. So, it is really frustrating, when an armor is botched. Thus, experienced merchant always turns to Steel Mastery for an armor. We make light, firm and reliable leather armor for a good price. Men of business understand that and cooperate with us.
In this article, we will tell you how to take measurements for such medieval body armor as plate cuirasses, breastplates and brigandines.
In this article, we will tell you how to take measurements for such medieval plate shoes sabatons.
In this article, we will tell you how to take measurements for plate and brigandine leg protection and chainmail stockings.