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  • Costume of Charles de Blois from battle of the Hundred Years' War, stylization

Costume of Charles de Blois from battle of the Hundred Years' War, stylization




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Costume of Charles de Blois from battle of the Hundred Years' War, stylization

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The gorgeous man you see embodies our version of Charles de Blois, from the chic white linen gambeson with black ermine print to the tips of his poulaine.

If you urgently need to be dressed up in a cool, stylish and authentic way for some event or battle of the Hundred Years' War, then this gorgeous set has everything you need (in price):

If you decide to replace some elements or add new ones, or use another colors or fabrics just contact us at sales@steel-mastery.com and our experts will be happy to help you (also calculate). 

Charles of Blois' ermine gambeson

Let's start with the gambeson, as it is the heart and base of the look.

And yes, you are not mistaken, it is the iconic Charles of Blois' gambeson which you can always check out at The Textile Arts and Decorative Arts Museum, Lyon, France. 

Why do we suggest this colouring? Well, an almost saintly man, also called Blessed Charles of Blois, he wore the coat of arms of the French region of Brittany as Duke of Brittany. The coat of arms of Brittany (Armoiries de la Bretagne), in case you've forgotten, is an entirely ermine shield. It is held by a lion and a griffin and the motto is Potius mori quam foedari (Better death than shame). The ermine in heraldry is traditionally a symbol of purity and power. Charles, as a child pious man, however, was forced to enter the war for the Breton inheritance, protecting the rights of his wife Jeanne. He fought valiantly, lived righteously, died in battle, and for his piety was numbered among the saints. And the fact that he did not hesitate to kill 2000 people after the siege of Kemper... Well, as for the Middle Ages, God was looking through such trifles at all. So there is no doubt that an ermine-colored gambeson is appropriate for such a pious warrior.

In this version, the gambeson is fastened with leather laces, has linen lining and 2 layers of padding.

Set of medieval men's underwear from the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries 

But before you put on your gambeson, you should start with the underwear. We suggest using a ready-made set consisting of a simple shirt, pants (braies) with strings on the waist and legs and a cap. 

Chaperon of the 15th century 

This medieval traditional bright blood-red chaperon complements the ermine gambeson beautifully. We can complete your hedwear with hend-sewn edge, if you wish, for additional price.

Tight chausses with codpiece, XV century 

Your undeniably slender legs are and man's dignity will be beautifully accentuated by a very traditional model of tight chausses with codpiece, worn throughout Europe in this period. You can choose from cotton, linen or wool, with or without lining. But we would still recommend the wool ones with linen or cotton lining. The codpiece is fastened by the laces with metal pins. This model has no soles, so don't forget about the socks. Chausses are attached to the waist with laces, but can also be attached to the bottom edge of the doublet.

Poulaine medieval style boots 

And for your shoes, we offer these very comfortable poulaines with a slightly longer forefoot. They give you a chic look and make it easy to walk and fight in comfort. Please note: this model is not for reenactors. We create it for LARP, SCA, for visitors and sellers of medieval festivals, for those who need to walk in these shoes for a long time.

The leather soles of these shoes are also lined with rubber to prevent the shoes from slipping when walking.

Plate legs late 14th to early 15th century 

Also on the feet of the warrior are modest and worthy of a true knight plate cuisses. This hips protection can be attached to the lower edge of gambeson or to the special arming belt for chausses. A simple and time-tested form that protects your thighs and knees from enemy attacks. Also very cool and manly looking. 

Knight girdle of Sir Stanley of Elford 

Our noble warrior needed a real knight's belt around his waist, which the knight wouldn't even leave home without. The leather or velvet base is covered with velvet and richly decorated with brass plates. It is adjustable in length with a special pin and additional sections.  

Medieval necklace "Butterfly on the Star" 

And finally, on his shoulders rests a knight's chain of fabulous beauty. And we are quite sure, you won't be able to resist choosing one of the chains we have for you.

You'll also need a knight's waist bag or/and leather belt. A lot of other stylish knight swag to complement the knight's look, including Medieval Knight Collar, Pendants, Crowns, Badges, Cast buckles, Strapends, Cast belt sets, Belt mounts, Brooches and fasteners, Buttons, hooks, and pins are always welcome to find through our accessories section

If you want to make some changes in this image or to complete it with other elements, our craftsmen are always at your service. You can always choose the elements of the armour and costume yourself, or consult our experts.

Author: Katarina Ziborova, writer, re-enactor https://www.facebook.com/katarina.ustymenko

Izickaa Tonya, re-enactor https://www.facebook.com/antoninaizickaa


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Cada producto es artesano y requiere tiempo para su fabricación. Tiempo estimado:

  • Gambesón y armadura acolchada - 8-9 semanas
  • Trajes y otras vestimentas - 4-6 semanas
  • Brigantina - 3-4 meses
  • Accesorios de cuero 2-4 semanas
  • Armadura de metal - 2-5 months
Por favor contáctenos si quiere saber términos más precisos.

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