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Universo Landsknecht

Acerca de Universo Landsknecht

Universo Landsknecht
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Landsknecht doublet
Landsknecht doublet

This item is great, the service is even better. I ordered this item in custom colours for an event some months ahead and even though unforseen circumstances great communication was kept up all the time and the product was able to arrive in time and in great shape. I can definitly recommend this seller.

Landsknecht doublet
Aidan Benton
Landsknecht doublet

Excellent quality. Great colors, very fun to wear. Production and shipping time was reasonable

Landsknecht hat with cuts
Jens Lenders
Landsknecht hat with cuts

Although I had to wait a while because of the hard work and the delivery 2000 km away, I was pleasantly surprised by the great quality of the hat. I would definitely recoomend this hat. I was able to choose my own colours and it looks perfect!

Medieval costume of landsknecht, XVI century
Medieval costume of landsknecht, XVI century

Perfect outfit and looks really authentic. Fabrics are high quality and fits like a dream. Quite long leadtime, but it is ok for custom made clothing.