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Stylization of bascinet for tournaments and bohurts

Stylization of bascinet for tournaments and bohurts -0001-11-30

Bascinet for modern fencing is a real catch for present-day fighters. This medieval stylization of popular helmet combines all typical features of basinet: shape of dome, visor with eye slits and ventilation holes. Visor has a lock pin, so you may be sure, that it will not open during the tournament.

Padded sewn liner and underchin belt are additional advantages of this battle helmet.


As usually, there is wide choice of options: type and thickness of metal, rivets and buckles and decoration, of course:)

However, if you are looking for a real replica of medieval head armor, see our category “Helmets” – we have plenty of historically accurate models for you!

Stylization of bascinet for tournaments and bohurts

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