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IMCF World Championship!

IMCF World Championship! 2017-12-11

We are coming! :)


Steel Mastery goes to the IMCF World Championship, so You can personally get acquainted with our products!

Waiting for our Knights on May 25th to the 28th, in SKIVE (BurgSpøttrup), Denmark.

Details you can read here: http://www.medieval-combat.net/

IMCF World Championship!

1 Comentarios


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Jeroen Moritz

Jeroen Moritz 2018-02-04 18:36:21

I have had extremely good value from my purchase of this brigandine, it has a vast array of customisation and it is very comfortable and relatively light to wear. Barely feel hits in combat, with only minor exterior damage to the brigandine from time to time. Extreme ease of use, no need to make someone your squire for 20 minutes 5 straps is all it takes. In and out under 3 minutes. Have worn this brigandine for 8 hours straight with only minor exhaustion during the day. Does get heavier in the later hours. Used to own a gothic platemail, but cleaning and maintenance weren't for me. Not a huge fan of coat of arms hiding armor either, so the brigandine was a very good compromise between both. Would recommend stainless steel as a upgrade since you cannot clean the steel inside and the upgrade is very affordable. If you are looking for good protection, ease of use, low maintenance, high quality and good pricing, look no further. The brigandine is the piece of armor you seek.