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Almófares y pelerines acolchados

Acerca de Almófares y pelerines acolchados

Padded pelerines and aventails

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Padded Medieval coif
William Glitsch
Padded Medieval coif

Absolutely perfect. Beautiful. Fits very well. I highly recommend this item.

Padded Medieval coif
Bill Glitsch
Padded Medieval coif

Absolutely perfect. Beautiful. Fits very well. I highly recommend this item.

Padded pelerine
Clém R
Padded pelerine

Excellent travail. Je recommanderais ce site à n'importe qui. Le produit vaux le prix que l'on paie, sans aucune hésitation

Padded Medieval coif
Emil Westenius
Padded Medieval coif

Service was excellent and the finished product is good as well. I got mine with 5 layers, which is really protective but really hot to wear as well. With many layers it also increases your head circumference a lot. I have several helmets, some of the smaller ones do not fit with this one, but my largest helmet only fits me with this coif or a lot of extra padding with some other.