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Über Vollplattenrüstung

Full armour


Bewertungen unsere Produkte

German gothic full plate armor
German gothic full plate armor

Amazing armour!

Armour of the XIV century in Churburg style
Armour of the XIV century in Churburg style

Amazing how do they do this!?!?!?

German gothic full plate armor
German gothic full plate armor

I am very happy with this beautiful armor and completely satisfied with carfters' work. IT is heavy, yes. but fitting is perfect and i can move in it. Thanks to all team!

Armour of the XIV century in Churburg style
Armour of the XIV century in Churburg style

I finally got my armour and it is flawless! Pros and cons: + custom made steel armor which really looks authentic + fits all my measures + possibility to choose customization (I have it of steel 1.5 mm, mirrow finish, brass rivets and red belts. And it is just WOW!:) + top customer support. Always quick replyes, updates on the status of my order + spare parts - belts, rivets and a couple of buckles The only one minus is a waiting time. Manager estimated making time so I was ready to wait. Anyhow if you order such armor for some event, so do it well in advance:) My deepest gratitude to all Steel mastery team for this fantastic work. I am satisfied 100% and will recommend you to all my comrades for sure.