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The Steel Mastery team will be on Usi&Costumi at Feraara Expo 2024!

Machen Sie sich bereit, in eine Welt voller mittelalterlicher Pracht einzutauchen, während wir unsere besten Waren präsentieren, darunter Gambesons, Brigandinen, Stulpen, Kleidung und vieles mehr!

Wichtige Informationen zu Ihren Bestellungen
Wichtige Informationen zu Ihren Bestellungen

Sehr geehrte Kunden,

hier ist eine sehr wichtige Information bezüglich Ihrer Bestellungen.

Landsknechts - soldiers of fortune
Landsknechts - soldiers of fortune

The Burgundian Wars (1474-1477) showed that cavalry is ineffective against well-trained formations of and well-armed infantrymen and underlined the growing importance of Swiss mercenaries. Mercenaries became more and more popular in the European war conflicts. Landsknechts were pikemen and infantrymen who ruled European battlefields from the late fifteenth to the late sixteenth century.

Gone with the wind ivory dress
Gone with the wind ivory dress

Refined and delicate, airy and tight around the waist, bouffant and yet with a delicate silhouette. This chic, noble ivory dress is like something out of the pages of the timeless novel Gone with the Wind. It's as if the lady had just escaped from a ball at Tara or Twelve Oaks Manor. 

Teutonic knight armor, buhurt-optimal set
Teutonic knight armor, buhurt-optimal set

We've received so many emails asking for the best set for full-contact combat that we've decided to present our recommendations for a buhurt-optimal set right on our website.

You're welcome!

The War of the Breton Succession or War of the Two Jeannes
The War of the Breton Succession or War of the Two Jeannes

What better way for the experienced reenactor and the one just taking their first steps into living history than with ready-made costume and armour sets?

Wie löscht man die von Facebook bereitgestellten Daten
Wie löscht man die von Facebook bereitgestellten Daten

Sehr geehrte Kunden,
Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz sind heutzutage ein sehr wichtiges Thema und wir möchten Ihnen helfen, Ihre persönlichen Daten zu schützen.

Battle of Poitiers
Battle of Poitiers

If you decided to touch the history with your own hands, we suggest that you don't just use the separate elements, but go straight to the whole images. And in order to make it easier for you, we've selected a set of costume and armor elements that will allow you to form complete images of the mid-to-late XIVth century.

We have chosen as a model the royalty who took part in the Battle of Poitiers

Medieval fabric printing or when you need chic and color
Medieval fabric printing or when you need chic and color

Mankind learned how to print colorful images on fabric a long-long time ago...

Helmet's visor fixation types
Helmet's visor fixation types

When choosing a helmet, remember to choose how the visor will be fixated on.

There are 4 types of visor fixation and we’ll tell you all about it.
