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Padded armor in stock

Über Padded armor in stock

Padded armor in stock


Bewertungen unsere Produkte

Medieval short Gambeson
Jakob Heinesen
Medieval short Gambeson

I love the gambeson. It is great to wear, easy to put on and take off and comes with extra parts for replacing broken straps. Delivery was fast (2 weeks-ish) considering the situation in Ukraine.

Medieval short Gambeson
Sirawit L.
Medieval short Gambeson

The gambeson I received is of great quality and it feels great to wear. Took some time to deliver but it's understandable given the situation in Ukraine right now. I would recommend this item.

Ordinary padded mittens
Dennis Wilpert
Ordinary padded mittens

What can i say. The quality is very good, the customisation options are perfect, the price is reasonable and the customer service is the best i have ever received! Keep up the good work!

Ordinary padded mittens
Ordinary padded mittens

Quality at the top, more than pleasant service and measures at the top I would not fail to recommend steelmastery to my medievist friends who do not know him yet