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Sabatons 1350-1450 years




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Sabatons 1350-1450 years

Standard Option
  • Befestigungen leather straps with steel buckles
  • Farbe der Stahlschnallen Vernickelte Schnalle
  • Farbe für die Lederbefestigung schwarz
  • Metall für Plattenrüstung cold rolled 1mm
  • Finishing satin polishing
  • Nieten 8 mm Stahlnägel
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Dieses Produkt ist maßgeschneidert, das bedeutet es wird von uns individuell für dich und deine Maße angefertigt damit es dir perfekt passt.

Farbe der Stahlschnallen
Farbe für die Lederbefestigung
Metall für Plattenrüstung


Sabatons are the plate shoes, and were used mostly by mounted knights. This model of the 1350-1450 years is a part of handcrafted full-plate medieval armor in Churburg style.

Metal sabatons were not too popular among feet soldiers, who mostly wore simple leather shoes during the dismounted battle. However, cavalry were protecting their feet with this kind of armor, as feet of mounted knights were quite attackable at the battlefield.

Plate shoes sabatons on the effigy of Richard de Beauchamp, Beauchamp chapel of St. Mary’s Church, Warwick, England

Distinctive feature of XIV-XV century of this armored footwear is long and sharp points. Gothic style sabatons sometimes had points of about 70 cm. In time, point became shorter and wider.

Custom-made steel sabatons by Steel Mastery are segmented: they made of steel plates, connected together with rivets. Feet armor is articulated, so wearing, riding, walking and even running will be comfortable.

You can use this functional metal footwear for:

  • SCA
  • HEMA
  • Larp
  • Stage performances
  • Medieval festivals
  • Reenactment events

Base price includes following options:

  • Cold-rolled steel 1.0 mm;
  • Satin polishing;
  • Brown leather belts;
  • Steel nickel-plated buckles;
  • Steel rivets;
  • No decoration;
  • Painting inside

Main photo shows authentic sabatons with following options:

  • Cold-rolled steel 1.5 mm;
  • Satin polishing as finish treatment;
  • Brass rivets;
  • Brass buckles;
  • Brown leather;
  • Decorative brass strips;
  • Painting inside

In options, you may choose another type and thickness of metal, color of belts, finish treatment and decoration for your medieval knight foot protection.

Benefits, which you’ll get, if you buy medieval plate armor at Steel Mastery:

  1. Custom-made high-quality metal body armor, handcrafted by your individual parameters;
  2. Reliability and comfortable wearing for years;
  3. Product made by experienced blacksmiths, who really know how to make a good armor;
  4. Convenient payment systems (Paypal, Skrill, Visa, MasterCard, American Express);
  5. Flexible return system in case if you don’t like an item.

You may also like these models of medieval plate armor for feet: sabatons of the XVI century; plate sabatons for modern sword fencing; German Gothic sabatons, late XV century.

In section “Metal leg protection”, you can see all models that we offer for ordering. If you didn’t find any for your taste and wish, please send us photo and description of the required model and we will make it for you.


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Alle unsere Produkte sind in Handarbeit hergestellt. Die durchschnittliche Herstellzeit beträgt:

  • Gambeson und Stoffrüstungen 8-9 Wochen
  • Kostüme und andere Kleidung 4-6 Wochen
  • Brigantinen 3-4 Monate
  • Lederaccessoires 2-4 Wochen
  • Metallrüstungen 2-5 Monate
Falls du noch Fragen hast, schreib uns und wir beantworten sie gerne.

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