Burgundian doublet, XV century
Versandkosten werden zu den Warenkorb hinzugefügt, sobald du deinen Wohnort genannt hast. Der Lieferpreis setzt sich zusammen aus Zielland und dem Gewicht / Größe der bestellten Ware.
Burgundian doublet, XV century is sewed according to the historical patterns of the best wool with linen lining.
The doublet fastens at the chest with a characteristic XVth century lacing consisting of 5 separate laces. Little chick laces with brass points, and the holes in which these laces are inserted themselves look like a work of art. These doublet sides do not come together all the way to the chest, as was fashionable in the XVth century. To show the luxurious camisole under it. By the way, don't forget to order it as well. We recommend you pay attention to this sexy men's shirt with lacing, XV century.
The doublet has a low stand collar, lush gigot sleeves with biceps buffs and lacing at the wrists. The hem, which emphasizes the waist, is equipped with laces to fasten the chausses.
This is a stylish and practical jacket for those who appreciate comfort and reconstruction.
Read more about Burgundian fashion in the article on our site - Burgundian fashion of the XV century.
Main picture shows doublet with options:
Base price of doublet includes following options:
All holes for lacing are sewn round by hand. Laces are made in medieval technology. Steel points are handicraft of our craftsmen.
You an add a chaperon maybe with oak leaves festoons and of course chausses with codpiece
Please see the costume set - Burgundian Men S Suit, XY century
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