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Viking the landlord clothing set




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Viking the landlord clothing set

Opción por defecto
  • Tiempo de fabricación standard manufacturing time 4 months
  • Plazo de entrega Estándar (plazo de entrega 14-28 días)
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Este artículo es personalizado, lo que significa que nuestros artesanos usan medidas corporales individuales de un cliente para su fabricación. Este tipo de fabricación proporciona un ajuste perfecto de un artículo.

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Plazo de entrega


Viking the landlord clothing set

Some of the Vikings did not go on raids, or had already moved away from such active entertainment, but still wore good clothes because they owned land. Here is a wealthy Scandinavian man, a solid landowner.

For your convenience, we have put together a set of different costume elements, which can be ordered as a whole, in parts or add more elements to it:

And more detailed:

The first thing that catches your eye is his Hedeby klappenrock jacket in a beautiful wine colour.

  • Color – wine color;
  • Fabric – wool;
  • Lining fabric – cotton;  
  • Color design – one colored
  • Decoration 2 – woolen braided cord
  • Decor fabric – lien
  • Type of stinching – invisible
  • Contast quilting and egde – no; 
  • Sleeve lenghs – long
  • Size – XL;  
  • Layers of padding – 2; 
  • Paint stamping – no
  • Design of the botton edge – no 

Naturally, we can change the colours and fabrics of the Hedeby jacket according to your wishes. Add woven decoration and extra embroidery. Any changes are possible as part of a custom order.

Underneath the jacket you can see the traditional medieval viking shirt made of cotton in a basic configuration and decorated with a hand-stitched wool thread embroidery.

Our Viking is wearing wide medieval pants made of thick cotton. And if you don't forget the traditional woven straps to wrap them, you'll also need X century medieval raven shaped hooks for leg wrappings.

This viking put on his feet the most popular Medieval boots from Hedebu, type 10.

Also our Nordic gentleman wears a traditional and very decent Viking hat. However, we can offer you a wide range of hats, for example chic Viking hat with embroidery, rich Scandinavia hat of the X-XI centuries or modest Scandinavia fulled hat. By the way, even the most modest hat will get extra chic if it is decorated with a beautiful molded brooch so loved by the Northmen. For example Medieval Scandinavian brooch.

A Hedeby jacket should definitely be cinched with a belt. We suggest choosing between Viking leather belt of X century and Scandinavian leather belt of X century. However, you can always order a belt made to your own design.

And for the belt it would be nice to have a bag. Good Viking felt wood handled Birka bag and indispensable Viking triangular shaped leather belt bag. Or maybe even the gorgeous Tarsoly from Birka or the Winged Tarsoly from Shestovitsa

We also highly recommend to complete the look of this stout man with a woollen cloak, which can be pinned with one of our luxury brooches, such as Medieval decorative viking fibula of Xth century, Medieval custom Scandinavian fibula of Xth century, or custom Rus brooch of Xth - XIIth centuries.

And as a finishing touch, for such a solid and stylish Viking man, it wouldn't hurt to order a Scandinavian female oval fibula to present them to his beautiful chosen one.


Si no le gusta el producto recibido por cualquier razón, ustede puede mandárnoslo en los primeros 14 días. Si el artículo recibido tiene defectos o no se ajusta a sus parámetros, le haremos un artículo nuevo y se lo mandaremos a nuestro coste. Si el servicio postal pierde su paquete, haremosuna búsqueda de éste. Si el paquete no puede ser encontrado, haremos un nuevo artículo a cuenta nuestra.


Enviamos pedidos a través del Servicio Postal Nacional, que lleva el pedido a su oficina de correos local. Tras el envío, le proporcionaremos el número de seguimiento del paquete. Si necesita entrega urgente (DHL, TNT, etc.), por favor, contáctenos.


Cada producto es artesano y requiere tiempo para su fabricación. Tiempo estimado:

  • Gambesón y armadura acolchada - 8-9 semanas
  • Trajes y otras vestimentas - 4-6 semanas
  • Brigantina - 3-4 meses
  • Accesorios de cuero 2-4 semanas
  • Armadura de metal - 2-5 months
Por favor contáctenos si quiere saber términos más precisos.

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