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Some brown stuff - new photos of aketon!

Some brown stuff - new photos of aketon! 2018-06-06

Medieval aketon is made of the natural linen of the deep brown color. Linen is well-known as a fabric of firm fibers and with perfect absorbing qualities. So now no need to worry about sweating!

This padded underarmor is handmade by customer’s measurements. Leather straps from the front provides with reliable fastening.

You may choose different quantity of padding for your aketon (depending on the main armor, which you will wear over it), fabric and color.

And, if you took a shine at these beautiful leather accessories, which are worn on our knight, have a look at categories with handcrafted bags and belts!

Some brown stuff - new photos of aketon!

4 Comentarios


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Connor Swanson

Connor Swanson 2022-03-20 01:24:02

Best armor I have ever ordered. I love the feel and look of the armor on me, it is perfect for Viking use and as well in other types of scenarios. Although while wearing it's a little hard trying to put it on. Which I think it would have been a lot easier if the said straps were probably attached on the back rather than the sides.


 Paul 2021-02-19 12:51:34

Great product, and amazing customer service. Overall a great experience and the armour turned out great.


Patrick 2020-05-20 08:30:11

An absolute marvellous piece of armour! It fits extremely well and is realy confortable to wear. A good job was done there


Christian 2019-05-28 16:23:35

Hello, I wanted to inform you that the goods have arrived safely and that we are satisfied with the quality. Thanks as well for adding additional pieces.