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Scale armour, shield, bracers - new models at Steel Mastery!

Scale armour, shield, bracers - new models at Steel Mastery! 2018-05-18

Hello there,
some new goods we have recently put online:

Painted kite shield can be seen on the miniatures starting from the IV century. The most popularity it gained in VIII-XII centuries and was used by cavalry and infantry forces. But in time, the body protection had got better and the main armour - chainmail - has been changed to brigandine or plate armour, so knights have started to use short triangle shields.

Scale armour can be found on the Byzantine miniatures in the V-VI centuries, and later - in the XIII-XIV cc. - on the paintings in slavonic churches. This armour protects the body perfectly and provides freedom of mobility.

Brigandine bracers were popular in VIII-XIII centuries and were used together with long-sleeved chainmail. The bracers are made of thick (4-6 mm) croupon leather with installed and rivetted metal plates.

Scale armour, shield, bracers - new models at Steel Mastery!

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