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Guantelete y manoplas con dedos metálicos

Acerca de Guantelete y manoplas con dedos metálicos

Metal fingered and mitten gauntlets

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Sobre artículos en publicaciones

How to wear medieval gloves

Guys !
Look our review of incredibly cool gloves !
They are very comfortable and they do not hamper your hand movements . 
You can see in by yourself
Here's a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvLdilnoVOo ! 

Sobre artículos en publicaciones

How to wear medieval gloves
How to wear medieval gloves

Guys !
Look our review of incredibly cool gloves !
They are very comfortable and they do not hamper your hand movements . 
You can see in by yourself
Here's a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvLdilnoVOo ! 

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Reseña de artículos

Classic Finger Gauntlets
Bill G.
Classic Finger Gauntlets

Very high quality, I am very pleased. They fit well. good articulation and excellent craftmanship.

Gloves in the German style - the mid-15th century
my name jeff
Gloves in the German style - the mid-15th century

its great

Plate gloves for modern sword fencing
Jeffery Hamilton
Plate gloves for modern sword fencing

Absolutely amazing craftsmanship and to coin the phrase they fit like a glove. Can't wait to test them out at my Greman Longsword class this week!