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Elegance of the Renaissance

Elegance of the Renaissance -0001-11-30

In the XVI-XVII centuries, such waist-lengthen padded doublet might be worn as thin underarmor, so independent element of men’s outfit.

Due to its design, wearing is comfortable and movements are not hindered. We can make this padded jack with laced sleeves that will allow you to transform this short waistcoat into sleeveless padded vest.

We offer various options so you could order really unique padded doublet in Renaissance style. Here is some examples:

Padded underarmor of royal-blue cotton with black leather strings for fastening. Holes under armpits allow good movability of your arms.


Short doublet of unbleached cotton with cast brass buttons. You may replace them with metal buttons or buttons, covered with fabric.


Waistcoat of dark-blue linen with brown leather laces.


Just turn your on creativity and order custom-made medieval doublet right now:)

Elegance of the Renaissance

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