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Burgundian suit for men - check it out now!

Burgundian suit for men - check it out now! 2018-06-28

XV century was a period, when long, wide and shapeless clothing gave way to slim-cut tight attires. Long chausses fit tightly, slim-waisted doublet underlines body shapes.

This Burgundian men’s suit of the XV century is hand-made clothing by individual parameters of customer. That allows good and comfortable fitting of outfit.

Every hole for lacing is sewn round by hands of our tailors; every point is crafted by our artisans. We are sure that you will feel incredible in such costume at any medieval event!

In category “Men’s medieval costumes”, you may see more models of different historical periods.

Burgundian suit for men - check it out now!

3 Comentarios


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 Nash Presnell

 Nash Presnell 2023-07-26 16:39:45

Very nicely made! They fit well when sized correctly over padding and are sturdy. Mine came with some tarnish on them but I would sooner attribute that to ordering other items alongside it and they just got finished first, but that was easily fixed. Overall a great piece of armor!


Dom 2021-09-30 17:32:35

Very well made and they fit perfectly! Absolutely worth it.

Marcus B.

Marcus B. 2021-03-24 18:04:24

Klasse teile. Leicht und gut Qualität