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Woolen medieval bracers




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(3 reviews)

Woolen medieval bracers

Color del producto :
Opción por defecto
  • Tejido exterior para brigandine  lana
  • Fastenings leather straps with steel buckles
  • Color de las hebillas de acero Hebillas niqueladas
  • Color of leather fastening black
  • DO-IT-YOURSELF  absent
  • Material of metal plates  cold-rolled steel - 1.0 mm (18 ga)
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Este artículo es personalizado, lo que significa que nuestros artesanos usan medidas corporales individuales de un cliente para su fabricación. Este tipo de fabricación proporciona un ajuste perfecto de un artículo.

Color del producto
Tejido exterior para brigandine
Color de las hebillas de acero
Color of leather fastening
Manufacturing time
Material of metal plates


Woolen bracers that were worn in Western and Eastern Europe for quite some time from 1350 to 1450.

You will not find them in museums – wool is preserved too poorly. And tire-brigand bracers were much more popular. However, thanks to preserved fine sources and rare references, we were able to recreate for you this rarity - brilliant hand protection on a woolen basis.

Woolen medieval bracers are fixed on the forearm with high-quality leather straps and buckles. 

Basic bracers complectation includes following: 

  • Plates made of 1mm cold-rolled steel; 
  • Thick woolen cover with woolen edging by sides
  • Steel rivets and buckles;
  • Strong leather straps 2.5-3mm thick.

Pay attention - we got a lot more bracers for you to make a choice - Brigandine arms' protection, Leather arm protection or even Metal bracers, couters and full arms if you like it hard.

If there are still no bracers for your taste and wish, please send us a photo and description of the required model and we will make it for you.


Si no le gusta el producto recibido por cualquier razón, ustede puede mandárnoslo en los primeros 14 días. Si el artículo recibido tiene defectos o no se ajusta a sus parámetros, le haremos un artículo nuevo y se lo mandaremos a nuestro coste. Si el servicio postal pierde su paquete, haremosuna búsqueda de éste. Si el paquete no puede ser encontrado, haremos un nuevo artículo a cuenta nuestra.


Enviamos pedidos a través del Servicio Postal Nacional, que lleva el pedido a su oficina de correos local. Tras el envío, le proporcionaremos el número de seguimiento del paquete. Si necesita entrega urgente (DHL, TNT, etc.), por favor, contáctenos.


Cada producto es artesano y requiere tiempo para su fabricación. Tiempo estimado:

  • Gambesón y armadura acolchada - 8-9 semanas
  • Trajes y otras vestimentas - 4-6 semanas
  • Brigantina - 3-4 meses
  • Accesorios de cuero 2-4 semanas
  • Armadura de metal - 2-5 months
Por favor contáctenos si quiere saber términos más precisos.

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Escriba una reseña

Ricardo Tanner
Amazing! The quality ist great and it fits perfectly. Color represantation isn't accurat on the images shown. I've got the wine red one and it's a bit darker, but I prefer it like this. It's a beautifull color. I like that the leather strips from the fastenings are quite thick, so they should prevent nice durability. They look amazing in combination with my brigandine in the same color. Would recommend this!
Florian S.
Sieht sehr gut aus und passt wie angegossen. Nur zu empfehlen
Red Scale
Everything arrived as it should. Manufacturing and shipping times were on time. After wearing them for a day I can say that the build quality is outstanding and comfort is great! Overall I would highly recommend this product to anyone who is looking for something like this.
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