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Whole hammered spaulders with leather cover - new item!

Whole hammered spaulders with leather cover - new item! -0001-11-30

Just look at the round shape of these cuties! So smooth, so strong and so robust!

These spaulders may be hammered out of cold-rolled, stainless or hardened steel, or titanium of different thickness. Top-quality leather cover is riveted on the edges.


We also installed leather pieces with holes for fastenings of spaulders to your cuirass, brigandine or breastplate. Additionally, spaulders are fixed with belts and buckles on the arm.

As usually, we offer you to create unique body protection by choosing different options:  brass or figured rivets, cats bronze buckles of various design, leather of brown, black or red colors.

See more medieval shoulder armor in category “Spaulders”.

Whole hammered spaulders with leather cover - new item!

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