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Ropa interior de hombre

Acerca de Ropa interior de hombre

Men's underwear

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Set of medieval men s underwear XIV-XVI centuries
William Glitsch
Set of medieval men s underwear XIV-XVI centuries

Excellent fit, excellent workmanship. I love the authentic linen material. Perfect.

Medieval men s Braies XII-XIV centuries
Medieval men s Braies XII-XIV centuries

I really like these braies for armored combat/buhurt. They are large enough to hide modern sports protection like a groin and ass protector. I also asked Steel Mastery to add adjustable strings on the legs so that the braies stay in place under my chauses. It fits well with the measurements I provided and the material feels nice and light.

Medieval chemise
Medieval chemise

I received my order, everything is good ! Thank you very much !

Men's undergarment XII-XIV centuries
Men's undergarment XII-XIV centuries

Both linen and cotton are great quality and tailored to fit you. They will hide under your clothes easily unlike other braies that will bunch up and show under your clothing. Making these braies a great choice for your outfits.