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The men's suit 17th and 18th centuries




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The men's suit 17th and 18th centuries

Color del producto :
natural (sin colorear)
Opción por defecto
  • Tiempo de fabricación standard manufacturing time 4 months
  • Plazo de entrega Estándar (plazo de entrega 14-28 días)
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Este artículo es personalizado, lo que significa que nuestros artesanos usan medidas corporales individuales de un cliente para su fabricación. Este tipo de fabricación proporciona un ajuste perfecto de un artículo.

Color del producto
Talla de hombre para ropa/armadura acolchada
Tiempo de fabricación
Plazo de entrega


The men's medieval  suit during the 17th and 18th centuries.

Base price includes: 

-velvet coat 

-cotton shirt

-silk pants

-jacquard vest 

Medieval men's suit consisting of a shirt, coat, vest, and pants:

Shirt: The shirt worn by men during this period was typically made of linen or cotton and was a loose-fitting garment that reached below the waist. It had a high collar, and pleated jabot with lace decoration on the bottom. It was attached to the neckband of the shirt and hangs down over the chest. The shirt was usually worn underneath the other garments and served as a base layer. 
In addition to the jabot, the shirt had also plain muslin ruffled cuffs. These cuffs were  made of cotton or linen fabric and had ruffles or pleats on the edge. They were attached to the end of the shirt sleeves and extended just below the wrist. The cuffs were decorated with lace. 

Coat: The coat was a long, formal jacket that reached to the knee or below. It was made of velvet or silk and was typically buttoned up the front. The coat had a high collar, long sleeves, and often had decorative cuffs or decorative elments on the edges. 

Vest: The vest, or doublet, was a form-fitting jacket that was worn over the shirt. It was made of jacquard or silk and was typically decorated with embroidery or other embellishments. The vest had a mid collar and was often buttoned up the front. It was a key component of the fashionable attire worn by men during this period and helped to create a streamlined, elegant silhouette.

Breeches: Breeches were tight-fitting pants that reached to just below the knee. They were made of wool or silk.


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Cada producto es artesano y requiere tiempo para su fabricación. Tiempo estimado:

  • Gambesón y armadura acolchada - 8-9 semanas
  • Trajes y otras vestimentas - 4-6 semanas
  • Brigantina - 3-4 meses
  • Accesorios de cuero 2-4 semanas
  • Armadura de metal - 2-5 months
Por favor contáctenos si quiere saber términos más precisos.

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