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Renaissance gambesons

Acerca de Renaissance gambesons

Renaissance gambesons

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Arming doublet, 1405 year
Arming doublet, 1405 year

Absolutely fantastic doublet! It fits so well and looks so dashing and handsome! I asked for a custom pattern on just the sleeves and the tailors did a beautiful cross stitch pattern just to make it look more authentic! I'm proud to wear such a lovely doublet!

Arming doublet, 1405 year
Arming doublet, 1405 year

I ordered a 3 layer wool exterior cotton interior. The wool is very soft and I could have been just fine with the wool against the skin. The black leather and steel buckles seem high quality. While the shipping took forever (understandable due to a war) they still had great customer service and the product arrived just fine. I have not put the gambeson to the test yet so I will update my review after a time of use. First impressions are high quality 5/5

Arming doublet / aketon - 1360 year
Steven P
Arming doublet / aketon - 1360 year

Great quality!

Arming doublet / aketon - 1360 year
Steven Pearson
Arming doublet / aketon - 1360 year

Great quality, I sent the wrong measurements originally and they offered to make a new one for free so great customer service!