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Protección de cuero para brazo

Acerca de Protección de cuero para brazo

Leather arm protection

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Leather bracers with diamond pattern
Nathan Buchanan
Leather bracers with diamond pattern

feels good, fits snug, well crafted, looks great.

Leather brigandine bracers
Leather brigandine bracers

I bought Brigandine Bracers and I habe to say, the quality is top. They look really fantastic and you can also see, thats a real handmade product. So the product price is Ok. The Leather is also really good - it´s a thick one. They built the bracers to the measurements I gave them - so its fits really good. With the metal plate inside its a really good forearme prodection. I can recommend this product....the only thing is, its a handmade product which means it takes a bit to produce, so you have to order early enough if you need it by a certain time.

Leather brigandine bracers
Leather brigandine bracers

Bracers are good, leather is perfectly carfted. Also its quite flexible so I may wear brace over more or less thick underarmor and regulate width with belts. Special thanks to professional and kind customer service manager who answered all my questions promptly.