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Pay installments for individual customers


You can purchase any product for any amount using 2-6 month installment plan (divide your payment into 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 parts, in specific cases an over 6-month agreement can be applied).

The general rule - payment should be performed once a month. There is a commission fee in amount of 4.5 Euro for every payment regardless of the payment amount. By the time of the order shipment an installment plan should be paid in full. Therefore, an order would not be sent until the full settlement of installments. 

This is not a bank installment plan - it is our personal offer. In other words, banks are not involved in the installment process. There are no automated withdrawals from your accounts. All the payments are performed manually by the customer. You just perform the regular payment by yourself to the indicated PayPal. Please, inform us about each payment via email. In case the scheduled payment isn't performed on the stated date, our manager will contact you. If you are our loyal customer and you want some other conditions - don't hesitate to contact us and ask.

Contact us via [email protected] regarding any questions.

Pay installments for individual customers

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