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Münzenberg and Tønsberg medieval festivals 2012

Münzenberg and Tønsberg medieval festivals 2012 2017-12-11

Dear friends!
After having participated earlier this year in the medieval markets of Armi&Bagagli (Piacenza, Italy), Marché de l'Histoire d'Orange (Orange, France), Pontoise market (Pontoise, France) and Freienfels Market (Freienfels, Germany), we're very glad to announce our participation in the two upcoming medieval festivals in:

- Mittelaltermarkt auf Burg Münzenberg (Münzenberg, Germany)
26-28 May 2012

- Tønsberg Middelalderfestival (Tønsberg, Norway)
1-3 June 2012

We hope to see you there!

P.S. For the market in Norway we are looking for a person who speaks Norwegian and could help us at the stand during the event. If you are interested, please write to us at [email protected], we'll get in touch and discuss it.

Münzenberg and Tønsberg medieval festivals 2012

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