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Ming imperial guard brigandine armor or khatangu degel




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(2 reviews)

Ming imperial guard brigandine armor or khatangu degel

Color del producto :
Opción por defecto
  • Tejido exterior para brigandine  lana
  • Usuario del producto  masculino
  • Talla de mujer para plato/brigandín (protección sobre acolchado) saltar
  • Talla de hombre para armadura de placa/brigandín (protección sobreacolchada) omitir
  • Cierres leather straps with steel buckles
  • Color de las hebillas de acero Hebillas niqueladas
  • Color del cierre de cuero negro
  • Design of the bottom edge standard
  • Plazo de entrega Estándar (plazo de entrega 14-28 días)
  • Disc guard Absent
  • Material of metal plates  cold-rolled steel - 1.0 mm (18 ga)
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Este artículo es personalizado, lo que significa que nuestros artesanos usan medidas corporales individuales de un cliente para su fabricación. Este tipo de fabricación proporciona un ajuste perfecto de un artículo.

Color del producto
Tejido exterior para brigandine
Diseño bicolor
Segundo color
Usuario del producto
Talla de mujer para plato/brigandín (protección sobre acolchado)
Talla de hombre para armadura de placa/brigandín (protección sobreacolchada)
Color de las hebillas de acero
Color del cierre de cuero
Design of the bottom edge
Plazo de entrega
Tiempo de fabricación
Disc guard
Material of metal plates


This light brigandine armor was wide spread through Ming and later - Qing cavalry and infantry. Lightweight and flexible, it offers a good protection against indirect spear jabs and bladed attacks. It consisted of rectangular plates of metal, riveted under the fabric layers.

Custom medieval plates’ armor is made-to-measure item. That means that our artisans use individual body parameters and personal regards (picture) of client to handcraft such body protection: 


Such brigandine type appeared in the VIIIth century as parade armour for the Chinese Emperor's guards. A thick cloth robe was reinforced with overlapping iron plates. Interestingly, it did not come into wide use until the XIIIth century, when it became widespread in the newborn Mongol Empire under the name of khatangu degel -"robe which is as strong as iron".

Same brigantine vest purported to be owned by a Yuan-period Tibetan Prince of Bailang.


or few others:


You can choose the cover material and color, decoration colors, add figured rivets, fastens... in other words - customize the brigantine to your liking. Just contact us and indicate your wishes in the letter.

Base price includes following: 

  • Fabric – wool
  • Color – black; 
  • Steel – 1 mm high quality steel plates
  • Do-it-Yourself – no; 
  • Size – XS;  
  • Fastenings – leather straps with steel nickel – plated bucles; 
  • Color of leater fastenings – black
  • Decoration – no
  • Rivets – finding
  • Decoration of the bottom edge – no  

Main picture shows brigandine with options:

If you wish, not a basic, but a custom version of the brigantine, look closer to the model in the photo. Brigandine's cover is made of the best royal blue wool and edged with a wide strip of emerald green wool, edged with thin stripes of golden yellow. Along the hem brigandine decorated with colored flags – all details of the color decoration can be discussed. This custom version is fastened with fabulously beautiful decorative hooks, but for the combat version we recommend our standard durable leather ties.

  • Fabric – wool
  • Color – royal blue; 
  • Steel – 1.5mm high quality steel plates
  • Do-it-Yourself – no; 
  • Size – L;  
  • Fastenings – medieval decorated fasteners – hooks; 
  • Decoration – edged with a wide strip of emerald green wool + with thin stripes of golden yellow
  • Rivets – steel nails 
  • Decoration of the bottom edge – multicolored flags  

We also recommend you to take a look at the brutal combat version of Khatangu degel by Steel Mastery - Khatangu degel of the Golden Horde warrior, XIV-XV century


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Enviamos pedidos a través del Servicio Postal Nacional, que lleva el pedido a su oficina de correos local. Tras el envío, le proporcionaremos el número de seguimiento del paquete. Si necesita entrega urgente (DHL, TNT, etc.), por favor, contáctenos.


Cada producto es artesano y requiere tiempo para su fabricación. Tiempo estimado:

  • Gambesón y armadura acolchada - 8-9 semanas
  • Trajes y otras vestimentas - 4-6 semanas
  • Brigantina - 3-4 meses
  • Accesorios de cuero 2-4 semanas
  • Armadura de metal - 2-5 months
Por favor contáctenos si quiere saber términos más precisos.

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Escriba una reseña

Very happy with my purchase. The brigandine looks and feels great, and customer support was excellent every step of the way
Leroy Jean-Baptiste
J’ai commandé cette armure afin d’avoir une réplique d’armure chinoise protectrice et avec peu d’entretien. Ce modèle est inspiré d’une peinture de la dynastie Ming et optimiser pour avoir une bonne protection et un poids raisonnable. Au final 12kg d’armure (acier de 1 mm) pour une protection qui va jusqu’au genoux. En terme de mobilité elle est parfaite et permet tous mouvements utiles (roulade faisable sans aucunes gènes). I ordered this armor to have a protective and low-maintenance Chinese armor replica. This model is inspired by a painting from the Ming Dynasty and optimized for good protection and a reasonable weight. So it weight 12kg (1mm steel) for a protection that goes up to the knees. In terms of mobility it is perfect and allows all useful movements (i can roll with no problems).
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Histórico productos similares

Khatangu degel of the Golden Horde warrior, XIV-XV century