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Lacing cords and threads

Lacing cords and threads -0001-11-30

Lacing as a clothes element can be seen in abundance in paintings and sculptures of the Middle Ages, as it is really a simple and convenient solution when you want to make medieval clothing, which fits tightly and beautifully on the figure, and there is no desire to bother with dozens of buttons.

But do you remember that historical clothing can also be laced up with fabric or metal buttons, hooks and pins, and of course we can buy all that from us?

Traditionally, wool or silk thread cord was used for lacing. Wool thread is cheaper, more elastic and holds up better. Silk gives a nice shine, is very strong and easy to weave. We will gladly provide you with any of them of your choice. Equally as well as cotton or linen ones.

Depending on which region and period costume you are going to decorate with our lacing cords, you can choose the color of the threads to match or contrast. We also offer a rich selection of lace tips to further enhance the beauty of your costume.      

Lacing cords and threads

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