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Gladiator padded arm protection (manica)




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Gladiator padded arm protection (manica)

natural (uncolored)
Opción por defecto
  • Layers of padding  1 layer 0.6 mm
  • Fastenings leather straps with steel nickel-plated buckles
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Este artículo es personalizado, lo que significa que nuestros artesanos usan medidas corporales individuales de un cliente para su fabricación. Este tipo de fabricación proporciona un ajuste perfecto de un artículo.

Layers of padding


Gladiator padded arm protection (manica)

The best warriors of Ancient Rome enter the sand of Colosseum’s arena, sprinkled with blood and swear. They do not participate in the wars, but there are no fighters better than they are. Their business is to fight and die in glory of the Emperor.

Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant!

Their husky voices resound over the Arena. They are worn and armed in different ways; though there are similar features in outfit - breechcloths and manica – padded armguard with mitten.

How do we know that? Besides multiple paintings and descriptions, in the 79 year B.C., Vesuvius buried also gladiatorial barracks, full of outfits, apart from other building of Pompeii. Among these outfits, remnants of manicaes had been found there.  


Barelief in the Colosseum of gladiators fighting, Rome, Italy.

Mosaic of gladiators fighting. Nennig, Italy.


Basing on this materials, we remodeled our version of gladiator armor – manicaes. There is shoulder-length padded armguard with mitten, which is braced to the shoulder with leather belts. Additional belt fixes it on the wrist. For your comfort, palm is protected with leather layer. This simple, nut reliable authentic gladiator armor is time-proved and relevant to this day.

The price is for one Manica. Please send to [email protected] information about which one (right or left) do you need.


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Enviamos pedidos a través del Servicio Postal Nacional, que lleva el pedido a su oficina de correos local. Tras el envío, le proporcionaremos el número de seguimiento del paquete. Si necesita entrega urgente (DHL, TNT, etc.), por favor, contáctenos.


Cada producto es artesano y requiere tiempo para su fabricación. Tiempo estimado:

  • Gambesón y armadura acolchada - 8-9 semanas
  • Trajes y otras vestimentas - 4-6 semanas
  • Brigantina - 3-4 meses
  • Accesorios de cuero 2-4 semanas
  • Armadura de metal - 2-5 months
Por favor contáctenos si quiere saber términos más precisos.

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