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Fantasy/LARP costumes

Fantasy/LARP costumes 2018-05-18

Our customers are not only medieval re-enactment associations, interested in precise historical replicas,  and HMB clubs,  asking for strong and durable armour for fights, but also hotels, reastaurants and even movies, whose demands vary greatly. Apart from the standart things like gambesons, tunics and helmets, we at times make rather unusual things :)
A few month ago a Ukrainian TV channel was shooting a comic political TV show in the “Lord of the Rings” fantasy style. Steel Mastery developed and created costumes for the personages on the TV show.

Every created image was easy to guess, so both director and viewers remained satisfied with the work done.
And we discovered of ourselves – and for you, dear friends, a new niche in our production. Now you to try on any fantasy image, like a wise wizard, bellicose elf, brutal viking or a funny gnome.

Our masters will make your image unique and admirable!

Fantasy/LARP costumes

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