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Decorative fabrics in Steel Mastery

Decorative fabrics in Steel Mastery 2018-12-28

In the Middle Ages, clothing made of patterned fabrics, was an exclusive prerogative of royal families and rich noble men. As it was high tailors’ professionalism to weave such fabrics, therefore it was quite expensive.

Steel Mastery offer your beautiful brocade and jacqaurd of various colors and patterns. Choose a favourite one for your medieval outfit!

Decorative fabric “Astoria”


Decorative fabric “Diamond”


Decorative fabric “Ducat”



Decorative fabric “Gobelen”


Decorative fabric “Jacquard”


Decorative fabric “Monogram”



All these kinds of patterned fabrics have polyester fibers. However, if you wish your costume or dress to be made of historically accurate 100% natural materials, such as cotton, linen, wool or leather of various colors, then you may choose them in options.

Decorative fabrics in Steel Mastery

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