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Brigandine bicep protection - new item!

Brigandine bicep protection - new item! -0001-11-30

Brigandine arm armor is a mix of steel and leather. Metal plates are riveted to the firm natural leather with steel rivets. Loops on the top of armor allow lacing to the brigandine or padded gambeson. Also, it is fixed on the upper part of arm with leather belt and buckle.

Together with the whole-hammered spaulders and brigandine bracers, this bicep armor creates a perfect medieval arm protection.

This arm armor is a part of leather brigandine kit in style of the XIV century.

See category “Brigandine arm’s protection” and choose more custom-made medieval arm armor by Steel Mastery.

Brigandine bicep protection - new item!

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ZMskyuza 2021-06-26 05:02:40