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Be closer to the Middle Ages in the closed-front jack!

Be closer to the Middle Ages in the closed-front jack! -0001-11-30

Closed-front gambeson of the X-XII centuries will be irreplaceable padded clothing in wardrobe of any reenactor. Natural fabrics, which we use for manufacturing make wearing of this medieval underarmor very comfortable. And, during the fencing or fighting, you will be perfectly protected (especially, if you’ll wear additional protection, e.g. brigandine ;-))


Gambeson has pull over style with leather lacing on the side of the collar. Different materials are offered in options. Also, you may add some decorative elements to your quilted armor, such as ornately shaped festoons.


Be medieval, order custom-made gambeson from Steel Mastery!

Be closer to the Middle Ages in the closed-front jack!

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