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Armory World: cheaper, faster, simpler

Armory World: cheaper, faster, simpler 2017-12-11

We're happy to announce the launch of Armory World, a subsidiary brand of Steel Mastery.


Why did we decide to create another brand?
Steel Mastery produces custom-made products, which means longer manufacturing times and higher prices. We analyzed the feedback from our customers and realized that a large portion of them have needs that require a different approach from us. Not everyone is willing to wait weeks and pay extra for their custom-made items. Many just want their orders delivered fast and don't need any customization.

So here comes Armory World online store, where we offer you:

products in standard sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) and standard colors, but same high quality of materials and manufacturing;
immediate shipping, as the goods you order are already in stock;
and last but not least, considerably lower prices (circa 30% less) compared to those from Steel Mastery

What will we be selling on the Armory World website?
Armory World will offer bestseller Steel Mastery products, in the most popular configurations, in standard sizes and for less money :)

Check out our new online store Armory World and let us know what you think!

Armory World: cheaper, faster, simpler

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