Rondel for self-sewing
Versandkosten werden zu den Warenkorb hinzugefügt, sobald du deinen Wohnort genannt hast. Der Lieferpreis setzt sich zusammen aus Zielland und dem Gewicht / Größe der bestellten Ware.
Protective rondel with 15 cm (6 inc) diameter additionally cover the bottom of the neck from impacts.
This is a must-have accessory for full contact fights and modern fencing. So surely use it at SCA, battle sports events, and buhurts. Even at some medieval festivals, LARP events, and stage performances, if you are expecting some problems there.
Rondel as an additional protection includes the following:
You can order other thickness and metal types in options: stainless steel, hardened steel, titanium... any you’d prefer. Contact us via [email protected] about any additions or changes!
Rondel, being sewn to the gambeson or mail coifs or aventails, with plates make up a set of additional back protection, will reliably cover your spine even from the most severe blow on the armor.
Don't forget to visit our MEDIEVAL PADDED ARMOR page to choose a gambeson.
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