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European brigandine of the 14-15th century




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(15 reviews)

European brigandine of the 14-15th century

Farbe des Produkts :
Standard Option
  • Oberstoff für Brigandine  Wolle
  • Produktbenutzer  männlich
  • Damengröße für Platte/Brigandine (über gepolstertem Schutz) überspringen
  • Herrengröße für Platten-/Brigandine-Rüstung (über gepolstertem Schutz) Überspringen
  • Befestigungen leather straps with steel buckles
  • Farbe der Stahlschnallen Vernickelte Schnalle
  • Farbe für die Lederbefestigung schwarz
  • Muster für den unteren Teil standard
  • Lieferfrist Standard (Lieferfrist 14-28 Tage)
  • Material für die platten cold-rolled steel - 1.0 mm (18 ga)
  • Schulterplatten absent
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Dieses Produkt ist maßgeschneidert, das bedeutet es wird von uns individuell für dich und deine Maße angefertigt damit es dir perfekt passt.

Farbe des Produkts
Oberstoff für Brigandine
Zweifarbiges Design
Zweite Farbe
Damengröße für Platte/Brigandine (über gepolstertem Schutz)
Herrengröße für Platten-/Brigandine-Rüstung (über gepolstertem Schutz)
Farbe der Stahlschnallen
Farbe für die Lederbefestigung
Personal emblem
Muster für den unteren Teil
Material für die platten


European brigandine of the XIV-XV centuries was used both as by the representatives of noble birth, so by commoners-foot soldiers. It protected body at the highest level during the combat. Depending on the fabric and decoration, it could be a real regal armor.

Pattern of this brigandine is based on the scientific publication "The riders of the war. European Cavalry" by Aleksinsky, Zhukov, Butyagin, Korovkin, 2005.

You can use this brigandine armor for:

  • SCA
  • HEMA
  • Larp
  • Stage performances
  • Medieval festivals
  • Reenactment events

Made-to-measure brigandine is completely handcrafted. Fastenings from the front and on the shoulders allow easy and comfortable wearing of brigandine without external assistance.

Brigandine has cotton lining. 

Base price includes following options:

  1. Black wool for outer shell;
  2. Plates of cold-rolled steel 1.0 mm;
  3. Steel finding rivets;
  4. Black leather straps;
  5. Steel nickel-plated buckles;
  6. Straight bottom edge;
  7. XS-size;
  8. No decoration;

We offer you to order really unique medieval body protection by choosing different options, such as type and thickness of metal (for example, cold-rolled or stainless steel, or titanium), wool, leather, velvet or suede for outer layer and linen or cotton for lining.

Various fastenings and types of decoration are available for order. We can sew your personal blazon on the brigandine, or decorate the bottom edge with figured festoons. Brigand or whole-hammered spaulders provide with additional protection. and are available in options as well. 

If you choose half-coloured or quarter-coloured brigandine, please inform us via [email protected], what colours you prefer and its exact disposition.

Main photo shows medieval knight’s armour with following options:

  • Color – wine red & black;
  • Half-colored design;
  • Fabric – wool;
  • Metal for plates – cold-rolled steel 1.0 mm;
  • Steel finding rivets;
  • Black leather straps;
  • Steel nickel-plated buckles;
  • Straight bottom edge;
  • M-size;
  • Shoulders – covered segmented spaulders
  • Decoration – sewing on of a personal symbol

Benefits, which you’ll get, if you buy brigandine armour at Steel Mastery:

  1. Custom-made high-quality body protection, made of natural material by your individual parameters;
  2. Reliability and comfortable wearing for years;
  3. Product made by experienced tailors and artisans, who really know how to make a good armor;
  4. Convenient payment systems (Paypal, Skrill, Visa, MasterCard, American Express);
  5. Flexible return system in case if you don’t like an item.

Look how skillfully your brigantine can be decorated!

Please have a look at similar models of brigand armor with fastenings from the front: Middle Ages brigandine, Chalkis brigandine type II, brigandine of Spanish knight, large-plate brigandine

This medieval body plates’ armour goes perfect together with brigandine arms and legs protection. We do recommend to wear brigandine over the quilted gambeson for better protection and more comfortable wearing.

In category “Brigandines”, you can see all models that we offer for ordering. If you didn’t find any for your taste and wish, please send us photo and description of the required model and we will make it for you.

We also offer you read short review about brigandine and how to choose a brigand body protection.

This article will tell you about materials and fabrics for this medieval armor.


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Wir schicken deine Bestellung mit Hilfe des nationalen Postservices, die schickt es dir zu deiner Paketstelle. Nach dem wir das Paket auf die Reise schicken, schicken wir dir die Trackingnummer des Pakets. Falls du eine Expresslieferung für dein Paket haben möchtest (DHL,TNT etc.) schreib uns bitte an.


Alle unsere Produkte sind in Handarbeit hergestellt. Die durchschnittliche Herstellzeit beträgt:

  • Gambeson und Stoffrüstungen 8-9 Wochen
  • Kostüme und andere Kleidung 4-6 Wochen
  • Brigantinen 3-4 Monate
  • Lederaccessoires 2-4 Wochen
  • Metallrüstungen 2-5 Monate
Falls du noch Fragen hast, schreib uns und wir beantworten sie gerne.

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Schreib uns eine Bewertung

Jean-Marc Grangé
I bought a brigandine from Steel Mastery frankly, I have never seen anywhere a quality of service of this performance it is extraordinary you are accompanied from A to Z and as long as it is not perfect they do not let you go everything must be adjusted to the millimeter it is really impressive very professional and the product is absolutely compliant magnificent work of manufacture superb quality and quality of manufacture at the top level everything is perfectly compliant and rigorous this quality of service is truly exceptional
The quality is amazing, with all my reaquirement made True. Fit nice on the gambison Top of the top
jose santiago
My brigandine is Awesome, great quality and fit. the communication through the process was also great nice pics sent as the work was been completed
Florian S.
Sehr schöne Brigantine, passt perfekt und das Gewicht ist gut auf die Hüfte verteilt. Nur zu empfehlen
Sam Whittaker
Recieved my brigandine a few days ago and I absolutely love it! Its built exceptionally well, looks beautiful, and fits me perfectly. The customer service was fantastic too, with quick responses from Ann. I even got a wee hand written note in the package, which I thought was a lovely gesture. A huge thanks to everyone at Steel Mastery for all their hard work, I'll definitely be buying from here again
Edith Gorisse
Je suis vraiment contente de ma brigandine. Les mesures ont été respectées et la brigandine en rouge Bordeaux me va vraiment bien ! L' effet d'ensemble avec mon costume de pieton xv ème siècle rend très bien. Le suivi clientèle est très bon. Merci à Ann et à toute l'équipe !
I’ve just received my brigandine and it is awesome ! It’s tailored made and fits perfectly to the measurements I gave them. The overall quality and the level of finition is insane. I just can’t say how happy I am. :) All along the process the customer service was great. I’d like to give a special thank you to Ann who was there to answer all my questions, always very kind and quick to answer. Considering the special context with the covid-19 lockdown the follow-up was perfect. Thanks again ! :) I heartily recommend Steel Mastery for their professionalism and the quality of their production. Definitly gonna order from them again. Cheers !
Fantastic quality and overall a beautiful brigandine. The customer service is also great as well. They'll update you all throughout the process!
John Robertson
I ordered a Brigandine and wasn't disappointed. Very pleased with a quality item. Would definitely order from them again and would recommend them without inhesitation.
Olivier Girard
Achetée en bleu & rouge, titane. Travail ahurissant de perfection, solide et magnifique ; une vrai pièce pour un paladin ! Le travail de customisation est génial, le suivi est très appréciable (et évite les erreurs) !
Juste Perfect ! Very nice work, beautiful built, light as mithril :) !
My brigandine arrived yesterday and I like it very much! Very beautiful work for a good price. Now just have to test it in combat:)
I am completely satisfied with this brigandine. Quality of materials is superb, fit is good. All seams are firm, belts are riveted firmly as well. Price is also perfect for this custom thing. Thank you!
Kevin Morel-Chevillet
High quality for a good price. Measures and choices have been respected. Really nice fabric, leather and metal pieces! Perfect work, thank you very much!
Alexandre Mederres
Really satisfied, the quality of work done is beautiful, it cash very well shock
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