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Arming doublet, 1405 year




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(20 reviews)

Arming doublet, 1405 year

Farbe des Produkts :
natürlich (ungefärbt)
Männergröße für Kleidung/gepolsterte Rüstung :
Standard Option
  • Stoff  Baumwolle
  • Zweifarbiges Design eine Farbe
  • Padding type  (20%wool and 80%cotton shred)
  • Futterstoff Baumwolle
  • Layers of padding  1 layer 0.6 mm
  • Steppung und Randfarbe absent
  • Farbe von Kontraststeppung und Rand absent
  • Produktbenutzer  männlich
  • Frauengröße für Kleidung/gepolsterte Rüstung  überspringen
  • Anbringen der Ärmel standard
  • Befestigungen leather laces
  • Farbe der Stahlschnallen Absent
  • Befestigung für Stahlarme absent
  • Farbe für die Lederbefestigung schwarz
  • Personal emblem absent
  • Muster für den unteren Teil standard
  • Standard length  80 cm
  • Herstellungszeit standard manufacturing time 4 months
  • Lieferfrist Standard (Lieferfrist 14-28 Tage)
  • Do-it-Yourself absent
  • weitere Rückenprotektoren absent
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Dieses Produkt ist maßgeschneidert, das bedeutet es wird von uns individuell für dich und deine Maße angefertigt damit es dir perfekt passt.

Farbe des Produkts
Zweifarbiges Design
Padding type
Layers of padding
Zweite Farbe
Steppung und Randfarbe
Farbe von Kontraststeppung und Rand
Männergröße für Kleidung/gepolsterte Rüstung
Frauengröße für Kleidung/gepolsterte Rüstung
Anbringen der Ärmel
Farbe der Stahlschnallen
Befestigung für Stahlarme
Farbe für die Lederbefestigung
Personal emblem
Paint Stamping
Muster für den unteren Teil
Standard length
weitere Rückenprotektoren


Arming doublet was the most spreading model in the XV century. It was rather thin and tight. Often, the skirt had been sewn to the upper part of medieval doublet separately.

Both, usual footman and gentle knight were wearing such doublet clothing under the all type of armour. Depending on the social status, quality of fabric, which was used for making of aketon, was varying very much.

The special feature of padded doublet is a quantity of buttons on the sleeves and bosom. Soldiers, crossbowmen and halberdiers were using buttons covered with fabric, or wooden, or bone. Poor knight or prosperous citizen could use tin buttons, and rich townsfolk were able to afford to wear men`s doublet with silver or gold buttons, enameled or gem-incrusted. We offer great variety of fastening for your medieval gambeson, such as buttons, leather straps with steel or brass points, cast brass buckles.

If you choose half-coloured or quarter-coloured gambison, please inform us by e-mail, what colours you prefer and its exact disposition.

If you plan to use spaulders over your padded gambeson jacket, we recommend you to order leather fastenings for steel arms.



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Alle unsere Produkte sind in Handarbeit hergestellt. Die durchschnittliche Herstellzeit beträgt:

  • Gambeson und Stoffrüstungen 8-9 Wochen
  • Kostüme und andere Kleidung 4-6 Wochen
  • Brigantinen 3-4 Monate
  • Lederaccessoires 2-4 Wochen
  • Metallrüstungen 2-5 Monate
Falls du noch Fragen hast, schreib uns und wir beantworten sie gerne.

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Schreib uns eine Bewertung

Absolutely fantastic doublet! It fits so well and looks so dashing and handsome! I asked for a custom pattern on just the sleeves and the tailors did a beautiful cross stitch pattern just to make it look more authentic! I'm proud to wear such a lovely doublet!
I ordered a 3 layer wool exterior cotton interior. The wool is very soft and I could have been just fine with the wool against the skin. The black leather and steel buckles seem high quality. While the shipping took forever (understandable due to a war) they still had great customer service and the product arrived just fine. I have not put the gambeson to the test yet so I will update my review after a time of use. First impressions are high quality 5/5
Quality is excellent, fits to me like a fine glove. Love getting hit in it, coloring work is vibrant, buckles look sexy and hold strong. It's all I could have wanted. And to top it off, a nice card of Best Wishes.
Don Hausser
I couldn't be more satisfied. I ordered a 3-layer doublet for use in HEMA. The quality is without second - durable and well-stitched. The fit is perfect - it allows full range of motion in the arms, shoulders, and across the back without issue. The customer service was also fantastic. Absolutely well done!
Wayne Heinz
I ordered this for use in HEMA. I wanted something more traditional that would also suit HEMA practice. I got the HEMA 350 N material on the outside and the linen on the inside and three layers of padding. The three layers is a little light compared to most Spes jackets made for longsword fencing. While not ideal for competition the level of protection is more than suitable for regular sparring and training. But let me tell you, the quality of construction, the fit and the customization are unparalleled. I feel like, and I am, wearing a work of art. I can't recommend it enough. The only thing I would change is to add arming points on the elbow compatible with most hard elbow protection used in HEMA.
Jan Tangermann
Quality and customization is amazing. Delivery to germany was really quick so nothig to suspend.
The fit is perfect and the quality is amazing. It turned out better than what I imagined it
I got a custom one and it is a real tailor made work. It is my second gambeson from them, and i can say that their products have excellent quality and their customer service is really professional.
We got one of these (as part of a set) for our son (17) and it is superb. The workmanship is second to none and the attention to detail wonderful. It's heavyweight, sturdy and feels like it should last a lifetime.
Fits nice and is extremely comfortable. Recieved it and loved it
Miro G.
The gambeson was tailored exactly to my needs and is just great. I definitely recommend it and will order again once the need arises. :)
Wonderfully built, very snug but no restriction on movement. Good looking gambeson as well.
I have received it. Its quality is superb. It fits like a glove. I love it. Next time I add anything to my swordfighting kit, I will budget for Steel Mastery, though that might take a while. Thanks for everything
Andrew Waterson
The arming doublet was very well made and my son (who it is for) was more than happy with it. Steel Masters service is very good and professional. The custom made size fits perfectly, is very comfortable to wear and easy to move around in. This isn't our first product from Steel Mastery and it will not be our last order from them as all their products have been well made and their service has always been good..
Dom Sanerivi
I bought this gambeson with the intention of using it for HEMA. My first observation of it was that it is thick and flexible. I chose the thinnest option, and it hasn't affected my mobility in the slightest. I can get my arms to touch my ears, a feat nobody else in my club can achieve in their gear. It is very warm, and comfortable enough that I've worn it as a jacket when going for walks. I cannot stress enough how much I like this gambeson!
The Doublet is beautiful. It fits perfectly, and even thought it is only 3 layers, it is sturdy and feels like a stand alone armor. I can not get over how comfortable it is. I have several “off the shelf” gambersons, but nothing comes close in quality or fit to this doublet. I don’t understand why I waited so long to get a respectable piece such as this.
I am very satisfied of the products and will order on Steel mastery the next time
Overview: I ordered this gambeson for use in HEMA, specifically the works of Fiore dei Liberi. This is is the first tailored garment I own, and the difference between this and an off-the-shelf gambeson is incredible. I have full practical range of movement. I have worn several gambesons in the past, and all of them required me to fight them to move the way I wanted. With this gambeson, I simply MOVE, and the gambeson complies. It is an ally to my movements, not an enemy. Fit: As in the overview, the fit on this gambeson is excellent. I was worried my measurements would be wrong, or something wouldn't sit quite right, but Steel Mastery has provided an amazing garment based on my sub-par measurements. I can lift both hands above my head, reach my hand over my shoulder and into the small of my back, and do many of my normal stretches while wearing it. It fits snugly without being tight. The tailored waist keeps the fabric against my flanks, which helps to avoid bunching and discomfort. The linen fabric seems to breathe quite well, and while it keeps me warm, I did not feel as though I was overheating over the couple hours I wore it last week. More testing in the summer months at renaissance faires in California will see how that holds up. Protection: I bought this gambeson for use in HEMA sparring and the occasional tournament. I wear a WinterTree gorget under the gambeson to protect my collarbone and throat. The gambeson fits very nicely over the gorget, and keeps it flush to my body. While I would not karate block and incoming sword blow and expect the gambeson to protect my bones from being broken (it's not steel armor after all) it does what I feel a gambeson should do in terms of protection. It makes sure that errant or poorly executed cuts are nothing to worry about. I am confident this garment would protect me from minor alignment errors even against period-sharp swords, though I will not likely test that any time soon. I received a couple of thrusts to the torso and cuts to the arm during my testing, and they all felt solid but manageable. I cannot speak to more layers of padding, but if you are planning on wading in against opponents with little to know control and that "but hitting hard is how you HEMA" mindset, you may be helped by 3 or 4 layers of padding. For me, I'm comfortable with the protection offered. Style: Gods damn, I look good in this. This gambeson really stands out from the crowd. In an era where ren faires seem to be dominated by mass produced garments from the same three shops, and where tournament fighters wear what look to be space suits and call them "historical" this piece of kit REALLY brings together the medieval look. The blue is subtle. At first, I thought it was black! But sunlight shows its true color. Regal, but not ostentatious.
Francisco Seven
Communication was excellent and the gambeson is amazing!!! +++++ Will buy again!!
Lucas Mendes
I got this doublet in royal blue, 2 layers with linen exterior. With some nice festoons. It's an amazing doublet. The color is beautiful the linen makes it really soft and comfortable to wear. Their products are built to last and the craftsmanship is beautiful. Not only does it protect well in battles it also looks amazing on its own. I only use steel mastery padding under my armour. Amazing customer service and shipping was very fast and resonable. I recommend them to everyone looking for gambesons and the like.
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